january 2019 | first place, walt disney imagineering imaginations design competition | team project
This project was conceived by the Savannah College of Art & Design Team and created for the 2018 Walt Disney Imagineering’s Imaginations Design Competition. This project is the sole property of Walt Disney Imagineering and all rights to use these ideas are exclusive to Walt Disney Imagineering. The competition is a way for students and recent graduates to showcase their talents and for Walt Disney Imagineering to identify new talent.
All content shown was a collaboration between myself and my three teammates: Michael Howell, Carlos Ginatta, and Maya Vyas.
All content ©2018 Walt Disney Corporation, Walt Disney Imagineering and the 2018 Disney Imaginations design competition
Themed map of Caguaya from our final presentation. © Disney
Team Caguaya takes first place at the 2018 Imaginations Competition! From Left: Carlos Ginatta, Maya Vyas, Mickey Mouse, Michael Howell, Maria Mondloch. Image courtesy of The Walt Disney Company.
Choose an actual abandoned or “ghost town” from anywhere in the world and re-vitalize it!
It might be as a working town, a historical landmark, a living museum, a themed experience, or whatever else you can dream up. Consider historical value and respect for the traditions and communities of the original and surrounding areas.
You can integrate the entire town, or carefully selected sections that best serve your idea and the location. Be mindful of any environmental impact that your proposal may have. What technological advancements will be necessary to not only develop your idea, but to engage guests to your new creation both in person, and before, during and after a visit?
How will your idea appeal to families? In what ways will it be accessible to as diverse an audience as possible? Is there a social service component to your creation that will be of value to the local community or beyond?
Please do not use Disney IP (Intellectual Property) in any part of your proposal.
initial submission
This slide deck represents the initial submission that we sent into Walt Disney Imagineering in November 2017 for judging. I contributed creative direction, show writing, logo design, and show set design and assisted Carlos with the concept art. All content © Disney